Oh, the wonderful journey we travel. Mom, you truly are an inspiration. <3 I love you.
And oh, yes! I must update you on my 5k that I ran-walked yesterday. I should have worn my incredibles shirt, because I was dashing through the crowd at the beginning. Being small really comes in handy sometimes! I was filled with energy from the crowd, so I was even sprinting for some of the time keeping a pretty steady pace. It felt really good.... well, until we looped back around to the starting point, and I thought we were finished. My mind completely checked me out by then, and it was only at 4k. Tricky tricky. I guess it really is a matter of mind. I ended up walking the rest. lol It's okay, though, there is next time for this couch potato. The P'tree Road Race is the 10k in July and the Buckhead Sizzler is another 10k in September? I need other people to join in to motivate me. C'mon people, let's do this! Yeah, yeah??!
Few pics from yesterday. Thanks Fuze for the capes to help facilitate the dorkiness. :D
Thanks, Stephen, for taking such an awesome group pic of us! :)
aww, that's sooo sweet of you! i'm sure you mom will LOVE it. the hearts on the frame are really cute. :D
good job racing yesterday! love the cape, that look totally works for you. ;P
running really is as much a mental exercise as it is physical, especially when you get to longer distances. i feel like it helps to build discipline because you have to get motivated to train and pace yourself. :)
get some proper running shoes and don't worry what they look like? you'll be passing by them so fast that your shoes will look like a blur anyways ;P
Hey, so you ended up running? I didn't see you there...but I guess there were thousands of other people, too. Hope you had fun!!
I did run! :) Well until 4k. haha Then, I walked. There was a sea of people. It was really hard to find anyone!
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