Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Melissa and Paul Headshots.

Just so it doesn't come as a total surprise, every now and then Jacob will be blog posting and sharing photos as well... so you can look forward to those. :)

Now, more from the session with Melissa and Paul.  Here's the headshot Melissa ended up picking out, and wanted to repost to balance out the next photo of Paul.  I've been playing around with new layouts.

After the headshots, we had some fun with family photos for the Christmas cards.  After running around with Roxie, we tired her out enough to sit still.  :)  I loved the next set.  Too cute!

Always love some golden light. :)

Always a pleasure doing photos with these two... ooh and Roxie! :)

<3 Esther


Eugene said...

Nice job on these!

And did you get a tilt-shift lens (last photo)?!?

Esther JuLee said...

Thanks, Eugene! It's not tilt-shift... I just played around with photoshop a little. Not sure I wanna invest in one yet since it's such a specialty lens. Do you have one?! :)

Ryuji said...

Tilt-shift lens is probably too much of an investment for these wide angle, far away shots, since you can easily capture everything in good focus and so you can correct perspective and then add blur in Photoshop. It's not as quick operating lens as a typical 17mm or 24mm autofocus lens. But tilt shift lens becomes more useful for portraits in 45mm and 90mm in my opinion, because you can't get panfocal images easily in camera, which limits later manipulations.