Sunday, October 12, 2008

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood.

We didn't exactly get to see Prague/Praha as we expected to. We actually made it to the Czech Republic, but they wouldn't take our euros, which they are usually supposed to), and no one spoke English OR German. Then there was a lot of confusion because the person who dropped us off didn't know whether to pick us back up, and in the middle of our conversation, the cell phone lost reception, then died. lol String of bad luck.

View from the bus stop.

At first it was a little upsetting, but then we were able to fill our stomachs with some spaghetti and french fries (yay for french fries!). Then, we made friends with a random taxi driver and soon we were partying it up in the backseat of the taxi all the way back listening to early 90s dance music like La Bouche. lol Anyone remember them? Those were some good times!

Anyways, back in Germany... did some hiking, which I was never a big fan of, but I get the feeling I am going to have to learn to enjoy it soon. :P Fall is so beautiful! I love the colors, the smells, the crisp air... the crunchy leaves. Favorite season of the year, by far!

Sorry, guys for all these personal updates, but I've been doing so much traveling. It's my first time EVER in Europe, so it's so hard not to blog about it. I am hoping I will be able to get more editing done this week and squeeze in some wedding related posts. :)

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