Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Baby, it's cold outside.

I just wanted to thank everyone who has sent me mail over Christmas and have been thinking of me during the Holiday season. It's been awesome getting to travel around to different places, but I've been so homesick this past week. I really miss home -- and all you people back in the States! I felt so blessed by these unexpected surprises I received in my mailbox... and just knowing that I haven't been forgotten even though I'm way on the other side of the world. :)

These were just a few things I got:

Going clockwise:

1. All the girly stuff I missed having like nice-smelling lotions and body wash in my package from Karis (my home church)
2. Card // Giftcard from Cho-mama. I'm going to have to wait to get back to the States before I can do a little splurging though. :P It will go well with my belated American Christmas dinner in April.
3. Chocolates and postcard from Switzerland from Tammy.
4. Earplugs... very helpful when in a room full of snorers. haha. I told my parents that the current foamy ones I have weren't working, and they sent me the ones you use at the shooting range.
5. All the spicy stuff that I've not been able to have AND my favorite... sour patch kids! They put all the stuff in ziplock bags so that they could claim them as used so that I wouldn't have to pay more taxes when it got here. lol For the sake of honesty, they probably ate a few so that it would be true. My parents can be very cute.
6. My Christmas present to myself: new CF cards to last me 2 and a half months while I am on the road. yay! Hopefully they will last me.

I think I'm going to try to blog a lot this week to make up for the 2 and a half months of not being able to access much internet. I know I am going to have a crazy amount of photos when I get back from traveling. It's painfully cold here in Germany, I'm excited to get somewhere a bit warmer.

*I also started reading the Lord of the Rings part I yesterday. I never really saw myself getting into these books.. lol but I'm actually enjoying it. I almost regret admitting this, because I remember telling people how much I could never see myself getting into it, but I'm already on Ch 5. Oh, Germany, what have you done with me?

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