Monday, June 30, 2008

Christina and Daniel Wedding - LA

Got to go shoot a wedding with Scott Robert last month in LA, and it just so happened that I knew the bride and groom and met them a year earlier in SF through a friend. It was nice to see all the ATL people party it up in LA. It was also an awesome learning experience being able to observe and see SR in action and interact with his clients. Here are a few from the day. The first two were all setup/posed by SR, although I have to give myself some credit for paying attention to the details of it, ie the veil, etc. haha =P Then, I ran off to do different detail shots.

I remember someone mentioning to me about how special the organs were to this church, so I figured I would incorporate them in.

And somethin' personal. I decided I'm going to be more active and take up a sport, and I guess for a girl in her mid-twenties, tennis seemed appropriate and good socially. So Yes, I am giving up my dreams of being awesome at basketball. I have myself a tennis instructor to keep myself motivated, AND for a little more motivation I went shopping for a cute tennis outfit Sunday. I hear the boys love pink?? haha I didn't find anything I liked... who knew it would be this hard! I will just have to sneak some shopping time in between some errands today, because I am determined to look good while I play (miserably haha). If anyone sees anything, I am def open for suggestions. :)

I think I'm liking this one. I like the Adidas by Stella McCartney, too, but I'm thinking I'll hold off on these until I'm at least decent at playing. haha

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