Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Ring shots. Bling shots.

If I ask for your rings and sneak off with them during the reception or at any point before or after the ceremony, now you'll know what I'm up to.  I'm just such a sucker for photographing details...  especially rings & other shiny things, dresses, and can't forget shoes!  Here's one of my favorite ring shots to date.  Catholic school salt and pepper shakers at a catholic wedding.

Of course, I couldn't resist doing a "collection" of my own.  I wasn't quite manicured and ready for hand modeling, but they'll have to do.  :)  So here you have it.. in case you were curious to see it.  My bling:

These are just a few from the set I took.  :)  I'll be sure to set up a separate album for bling shots on flickr and facebook.


Jonathan said...

haha he did good :)

Jolly Molly said...

Ah as Walle is one of my favourite films - I love the ring inside his tummy - brilliant - your pictures are beautiful!