Friday, July 25, 2008

More Tram!

A little update about the J-O-B? To my surprise, an HR person called me yesterday morning and left me a voicemail. I was thinking surely this is the call where they let me know I get the job.... BUT it wasn't! I called back and found that all she wanted was to confirm that I didn't have any further questions. What? Do people really do that? I was a little bummed out, but I got a call back later in the evening (after normal business hours) letting me know they wanted ME! :) So we are good to go!

I am getting shots this morning. Eeeek! It hurts more when you tense up, but how can you relax, really? :(

Just wanted to post the rest of the photos of Tram's beautiful self. :) This one is probably by far my fav from the set.

I was trying to get her to move around to avoid the shadows that the window was making on her face, but I love how it's going across her bottom lip.

A little closer crop.

I liked these series.

The more serious version of the headshot.

After the sun went down, we went inside to relax, but then I saw this little area and wanted to try a few quick shots.


Stephen Anthony Photography said...

she single? hahah jp nice photos =)

Esther Julee said...

haha fat chance! well, i will let you know if she ever does become single, but girls like that don't stay single for long. :)