Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Introducing... dun dun DUNNN...!

The company has been going through quite a few changes this past month.  I'm very excited about what's to come.

Esther Lee Photography, LLC has undergone a name change and is now Esther Julee Photography, LLC.  Finally received the paperwork this week!  If you've noticed, the logo has changed, too.  The reason for this is that I wanted to keep the consistency between the website name, blog names, etc.  If only I knew how to change the name on the facebook fan page...

Also, I wanted to introduce to you my new studio manager and assistant photographer, Jacob, who will be handling a lot of the business aspects of the company.  I've realized over the years of running my business, I'm not quite business savvy enough to go at it on my own.  I want to be able to focus more on the photography and creative side, while I let him focus more on the business side.

And of course a new camera totally deserves it's own post!  He still needs a name.  Something better and more original than Mark the Second.  But welcome to the family!

Took him out bowling the first night after it arrived.  Check out how he photographs at 3200 ISO.  It's beautiful, I tell you.  I have yet to use it at 6400!!


Jonathan Chan said...

hey stranger! Haven't talked to you in forever. You have a studio manager AND a mk2 now?? Man, jealous :)

Esther JuLee said...

No kidding! When's the next time I get to see you?? Maybe wppi? :P

You're jealous? Gosh, you have someone helping you and you always have all the gear you want. haha