Friday, January 15, 2010

Ben's Headshots.

My second post of the day!  After my third day of P90X, I feel unstoppable!!  haha  Good for me on my attempts to catch up on blogging.  As for the P90X, I should really take a video of myself doing it.  It's ridiculously hard, and I've been struggling.  All I can really do is laugh at myself at the moment... but I will bring it!! :)

Here's just a couple headshots of Ben.  Ben's a neighbor who needed some photos for his website.  How convenient that he lives just down the street.


Unknown said...

Congrats on your start with P90X!! I'm starting my P90X workout on Sunday! That will be my day 1. I'm really exited to get started!!!

Also, are you a Beachbody Coach? I don't see anywhere on your site saying you are. Go to- for more info. Feel free to contact me about it.

Anonymous said...

OMG I know Ben! His wife is much more nicer than him though. Haha, jk.