Friday, January 15, 2010

Re-igniting that passion for photography.

If you are on my blog to see wedding and portrait work, please use the links on the right hand side to navigate through the site. :)


As glamorous as it seems to be a photographer that travels the world and shoots weddings, and as much as I do love and appreciate my job and the people I work with, sometimes work can become just work.  The majority of it really is sitting in front of a computer editing, which can become rather boring.  Running the business, doing all the business related stuff - IMHO since I'm not business savvy is absolutely no fun for me (but thank God I have someone by my side who is!).

Sometimes you just get busy and personal projects get pushed to the back burner, but I find them absolutely vital in keeping the soul of a photographer alive.  The more I am going through the 365 (it's only the end of the second week), the more I realize how important it is to take photos purely for yourself and your love of photography.

Of course it would be easy to take random photos.  There are random objects all around me that are dying to be photographed.  But for me, I wanted this project to have more purpose.  To force me to lug around my heavy camera waiting for a perfect photo opportunity.  To document the important details of my day to day.  To inspire me.  To remind me why I love what I do. :)

Although I would love to post a blog everyday, I realize it would be way too time consuming, and it would most likely interfere with my work-related photos and make the blog harder to navigate through.  This is why I decided I'm just going to combine them into one post weekly or bi-weekly (ten at a time).  If the site becomes too hard to navigate, I may set up a separate site just for these photos.  Tell me what you think.  Feedback would be much appreciated!

Again, mine are on the left.  Jacob's are on the right. :)  First one's a repeat.

E: My favorite two things to eat and sip on at Maum while I chat it up with my brides. :) J: Chloe's two front teeth.

E: Wall-e and our christmas tree that's still up.  J: Juiceboxes at an indonesian restaurant.

E: Taking my shiny, new bowling ball for it's first spin.  J: All the players.

E: My grandma = my favorite model.  So precious. J: New sign? at bwb.  Doesn't this look like an ad together?

We cheated and collaborated on this one.  It was late, but we decided to play around and paint with light.

E: Catching snow in my mittens! J: Nachhhoooooooooooo....

E: Omgoodness, the snow stuck!  J: friendly helper scouting locations for the proposal.

E: This is what the boys called a power hour after a long day of work.  J: What's my future?

E: I'm engaged! J: Hanging out with the girls.

Thank you for your interest in our day-to-day. ^^

Esther & Jacob


Anonymous said...

winners from each day starting from day 1


estherjulee said...

anonymous, reveal thyself! :P I guess that makes E 60 > J 40. we'll see how we do next time, thanks!