Friday, January 1, 2010

Cheers to 2010!

First of all, since it is a new year, I wanted to start up another 365 (a photo a day for one year)...  not that any of my previous attempts were successful, but why not start off on a new slate and give it a go.  I've done random photos and portraits, and the furthest I've probably gone was a month or two.

This year, I was thinking about doing something different, perhaps more of a collaboration (maybe that can be 2011?) or a photo pairing where two people take a photo a day not knowing what the other is shooting, and then posting them side by side.

Not only is it good practice, but every photographer needs to have personal projects to spur creativity... and a little teamwork may help motivate me to keep it going longer.  So here's number 1!  Mine will show on the left, while Jacob's will be on the right.  Rest assured, no bunnies were killed to make the soup.  Click the photo to view a larger version.

Looking back at 2009, I can honestly say I feel like I've accomplished more in this one year than my entire life.  I hope I can say the same about 2010.  I revisited my entry on 2009 resolutions, and I'm surprised to see that I've achieved quite a few of them.  I visited two continents I've never been to: Europe and Africa.  Made a new friend from a completely different culture, language, etc.  Read more.  All sorts of books.  Even finished the bible twice.  Pretty good for not being a book person, yeah?  I've slowly learned to cook (easier dishes like green bean casserole, but cooking is still cooking).  And I may have never learned conversational German while I was in Germany, but I guess it's not that useful anymore now that I would have no one to speak German to.

I have grown A LOT...

personally. with photography. with owning a business.
peeled off another layer and gone a little deeper with God.
mended a lot of broken relationships with friends and family.
learned more about grace and forgiveness.
learned more of what/who love is and through that learned to love just a teeny bit more.

but I also know there's so much more growing to do.  (which is why it is taking me forever to put together my resolutions list or rather my S.M.A.R.T. goals which stands for specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-sensitive.)  I'll have to post the resolutions later.

The growing sure is a lifelong journey.... but I'm looking forward to it.  Cheers to 2010! :)

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