Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Last night was my first time at the shooting range. I tried to act all badass walking in, but I was pretty frightened by all the loud noises. I kept blinking every time the gun fired... lol but I think I got the hang of it. ;)

I heart this 50/1.2L lens! It is b-e-a-utiful!

Beginner's luck, I tell ya.

Thanks to my friend Peter for doing all the work of loading and changing out the targets! ;)

While I was waiting for my turn, I discovered some interesting patterns on the wall that would make for some amazing textures. I used one of them for the above image. I did a really quick edit this time around, but I can see a lot of potential. :)

For some reason, I got way luckier hitting the lower target. My friend thinks I'm a man-hater, but it was seriously all by chance! I had no idea what I was doing.... or maybe subconsciously... lol jk

Whoa, I did a really good job at it though.

A little one-handed action like the movies? haha The movies make it look too easy. This stuff was soooo much harder than I expected. All in all, it was a good first day! :) Peter said I did a pretty good job for a girl. I'm not sure if that's supposed to be a compliment, though.

And something a tad more personal than usual. I've been having a lot of conversations with different people about relationships lately. I guess we always find a connection when we talk about similar relational experiences. So let the games begin.

When you come to a certain age, we all say that we're through with games and that we want to be more straight forward, but I find that often times we are still playing the game... whether we realize it or not. We're always wanting the upper hand or wanting the other person to be all in before you begin taking any risks. Most of the time because we've been burned before and we become handicapped by the fear that it will happen again. I wonder if we strip away all this push and pull and these challenges, if we'd still find the pursuit interesting.

For example: Not calling or contacting the other person even though you are really dying inside to talk to them. lol I think all of us have done that before. And you can see it from different perspectives, too as either trying to pull the other person's interest or to maybe even giving them the opportunity to pursue you. Yikes. I wonder why we people always complicate things. We are complicated people with complicated lives. Why can't we just figure out what we want and keep things simple.

I've been frustrated that a lot of times I find myself driven by my feelings. Oh, why are these feelings so hard to control! I heard an interesting quote over the radio today. "Don't just follow your heart, lead your heart." I like that... in theory. I guess it's just going to take a lot more practice.

Edit: I just killed a flying bug with Lysol All-Purpose cleaner and can't seem to remove it from my room. This is why I need a boyfriend. lol

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